Sunday, September 19, 2010

Book Review: Over in the Ocean

Over in the Ocean In a Coral Reef is a very fun and interactive children's book written by Marianne Berkes. My first reaction was to fall absolutely in love with this book's unique pictures, which are not your traditional illustrations. They are polymer creations (think play-doh) molded into intricate and beautiful scenes. Now, let's add in a tune. The book is written to be sung along with the tune from "Over in the Meadow" that we all grew up singing.

I have sincere appreciation for the fact that the author took care to be accurate. This is one of the best books directed at very small children that will truly entertain grown ups too. And any ocean buff will get extra fun out of the book, I promise.

This children’s book is available in various sizes and paper qualities. I am currently a big fan of board books – they seem to hold up the best against my 1-yr old. If you purchase this book, be sure to flip to the back of the book for interactive tips. These are referred to as "finger-plays" directed towards infants, but that term is just creepy if you ask me.

RATING: ~~~~~ (yep, 5 out of waves) This is really all anyone could ask for in a marine animal focused children's book

If you are intrigued by this book, I can also highly recommend another Berkes's book - Over in the Jungle. This is the same format and artistic style, but with a jungle focus... I'm talking sloths and kinkajous, so it also a very unique book. Maybe she will do one with an Australian theme...?

On a side note, I started a new job recently. One of my responsibilities is actually leading story time every week for small children. Therefore, many more children's book reviews will be coming your way. This particular book is a popular favorite of both the kids and staff. So if you are hanging out in Jupiter, FL - come look me up at The River Center.


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